Thursday, February 16, 2012

In need of Rescuing

Me? Oh no. . .

Okay, well maybe. . .

Okay, okay already. YES I am drowning!!! 

Between mid-terms, Brooke's ballet, Tanner's basketball, my zumba, Travis going back to work (yay!), trying to start a incredibly awesome blog and business, tax season, watching two sets of twins, (pause, calm down, deep breath, where's a paper bag?)

 I am a bit overwhelmed. 

One of my favorite stress relievers though, is SHOPPING. I know, not a big shock, all women, at least once in a while, engage in retail therapy. But my version is a tad different, I thrift! When I am feeling down, a thrift store and $20, cheer me right up. Then I usually go home and craft, my second favorite calming treatment. 

So a few days ago, feeling nothing less than crazy, I shared my secrets with my favorite second hand store. There I found something else in need of rescuing,
 old jewelry boxes. 

There was so many of them on the shelf. They were all for just pennies, too. I just had to renovate a couple. . . or ten, plus a few other wood items. Hey, I didn't use my entire $20. Plus I had a 25% off entire purchase coupon.

Once at home I had to face reality again.  I cleaned the house, made a large after school snack for 6 kiddos, did some homework and then cooked dinner for the fam.

But later that night, when all were asleep, I crafted away! 

 This  is my favorite box I picked up. It was in great condition on the outside, but horrid on the inside. It is actually a music box. It plays Elvis' Teddy Bear or to me Full House's Teddy Bear song.  The music mechanism is in pristine condition too. 



This little lady had a southern belle attitude just dying to come out.

This simple box was 10 cents, so of course, I couldn't pass it up, but I had a hard time figuring out what to do with it. Not my favorite, but it has a fun chalkboard finish. 

It can heart whatever your heart desires.

And lastly, for now, a cute plate. I just love silhouettes. I am not sure why the picture looks so weird around the flower. . . hmm. I hand painted a charming little girl silhouette with a flower in her hair 'cause I could :)

Now, I have to find a spot in my craft room for about eight more boxes.

Hope everyone is having a great day! And if not. . .  THRIFT! It works wonders, plus it doesn't break the bank like Macy's :)

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