Thursday, November 24, 2011

50 Thanksgivings

1. my husband :) I could go on forever, really, forever and ever of how thankful i am to have such a great guy.

2. family movie nights

3. rainy days

4. my beautiful kiddos

5. new purses

6. my hub providing for his family any way he can

7. my mama

8. a house over my family's head

9. full bellies

10. a good little puppy

11. a good little meatloaf (kitty)

12. Family

13. The hour after the kids are in bed

14. bbf's

15. tanner's sweetness

16. a running car

17. brooke's speech therapist

18. my creative skills

19. books

20. Thanksgiving with family

21. love

22. soldiers

23. living in america

24. brookey bee's sassiness

25. game time with the fam

26. Chilly fall weather

27. cozy reading breaks

28. My smashley

29. pretty shoes

30. craftting time

31. Small quiet times alone

32. being able to stay at home with my babies.

33. public school systems

34. good teachers involved in tanner's learning

35. The ellen show.......i just love her

36. my husband

37. god

38. laughter

39. aunt t the ya ya

40. creating beauties

41. the most perfect wedding

42. everybody that helped in the wedding

43. sushi

44. ummm did I say my husband :)

45. christmas spirit

46. Friends

47. turkey mash potatoes and cranberries

48. the crock pot

49. hot cocoa

50. sweet eskimo kisses from my loves

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