Saturday, May 22, 2010

state bird on my back porch

This morning just after I woke, I looked out the kitchen window and saw the cutest, smallest bright yellow bird perched on a branch of the only tree in my yard. I had never saw a bird like it in the wild. I briefly thought it must have been a pet that escaped. I admired it and took a few pictures until it flew away. When SmittenHub woke up, I told him about the cute little bird and showed off the pictures. (Which might I add were gorgeous). SmittenHub proceeded to tell me, it was the state bird. A golden Finch. I googled it and sure enough he was right. At this point not only was I amazed at the beauty of the bird, but astonished that Travis knew that. He is so knowledgeable :) Here is my beautiful bird. I hope he come back.

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